

Yamato Soysauce & Miso

Yamato Soysauce & Miso is a soy sauce and miso maker with more than 100 years of history In Kanazawa. The representative of the company Yuwaeru, who was at the time consulting for Yamato Soy Sauce Miso, had requested us to create the product label.
As a company with a history of more than 100 years, they have accumulated a vast amount of wisdom and manufacturing knowledge. At the same time, because Yamato Soysauce & Miso was such a well-known company in the territory, we had to extensively do research and counseling before we moved on to making the creatives. The project actually took about half a year to complete, and the proposed designs were about 20. What we had prioritized was condensing the Yamato Soysauce & Miso‘s history and its value fused together. As a result, we created a total of 26 types of labels, which had become the new face of their products.


株式会社ヤマト醤油味噌 / Yamato Soysauce & Miso Co.,Ltd.

Creative direction, Copywriting :Akira Fukatsu

Logo/ Package design :Kazuhisa Irisawa
